About four years ago I taught myself to knit, kind of. Yay me, right? I started with small needles and thin yarn and it took me forever to knit a section of a scarf so I chalked it up to sucking at knitting and quit. Before that I had promised to knit my mom a scarf.

A couple months ago I read this post and I decided to buy bulkier yarn and bigger needles. I started to use http://www.knittinghelp.com/ as Allison suggested. She is so smart because that website ROCKS! It taught me an easy way to cast on. And back came my motivation to conquer knitting. I decided to do another scarf for my mom. I chose a skein of yarn. I did not make it far before I found another color that she would love more. I decided to do one in turquoise and surprise her with it. It wasn't long before I was almost finished. I can't believe how fast I could make a scarf. Of course I have a hole in it. It isn't a dropped stitch but I don't know how I put it there.
My mom loved it. She laughed and said that she didn't think I would ever finish it. Obviously she knows me well enough to keep her expectations low. Here it is:

I am in the middle of another scarf, the one I had originally started this last time. I have learned a lot with my first one. First, pay attention. Second, it will take more than one skein of yarn and they need to be the same lot number and you may end up digging through a lot of yarn to find a few with the same lot number. Three, do not mess up your mom's scarf because the hole you left in there will be noticed the minute she pulls it out of the gift bag. And it will be the first thing she comments on (or maybe that was a good thing. You know, keep the expectations low).
After this next scarf is done, I plan to try a pattern or two. Wish me luck.